Cessation of HD Connect Microsite

Dear all, please note that HD Connect is no longer operational. Information pertaining to student and staff matters is now on NIE Portal- portal.nie.edu.sg. Feel free to email us at gradstudies@nie.edu.sg for further assistance. Thank you.

Graduate Education

National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

About Us

NIE Picture

Why NIE?

Teaching Talents
Our faculty have over the years won numerous awards and accolades for excellence in teaching and research.

Global Partnership
NIE actively seeks strategic partnerships and collaboration with top institutes around the world.

Research Excellence
Research excellence is a driving force that energizes knowledge creation, making NIE a world-class institute of higher learning renowned for both teacher education and education research.

Photo of Dean

The National Institute of Education, an institute of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore is one of the leading teacher preparation institutions in the world, and has been an integral part of Singapore's education system since it was first established as the Teachers’ Training College in 1950. NIE has a strong reputation for evidence-informed graduate education, executive leadership and professional development programmes and courses for teachers, educators, researchers, policy makers, and other professions. These are delivered through the Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Learning (GPL) with the support of the Academic Groups that represent a range of disciplines.

Our faculty members care deeply about teaching and learning. They are experts in education and many are also internationally renowned in their respective academic fields. Our aim is for our students and participants to become thought leaders, skilful teachers, disciplinary experts and good researchers who can bring critical change in their respective professional contexts and academic fields. This aspiration is embodied in our philosophical statement of "Learning Differently, Leading Change".

We look forward to you joining us in one or more of our programmes as you embark on the next stage of your lifelong learning journey.

Associate Professor Ang Keng Cheng
Dean, Graduate Studies & Professional Learning

Click here to view NIE, GPL's video

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National Institute of Education (NIE)
Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Office of Graduate Studies & Professional Learning
1 Nanyang Walk
Singapore 637616
NIE 7-03-01A

Graduate Programmes - gradstudies@nie.edu.sg

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Admission Matters - nieadmpp@nie.edu.sg

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Examinations & Course Registration Matters - masterscourse@nie.edu.sg
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Student Services Centre - studentservices@nie.edu.sg
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