About Us
For long, NIE’s ever-growing graduate student population has not been represented by a student body which is dedicated to nurturing a healthy and meaningful learning environment for the students. Feeling this absence, with the support of the Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Learning (GPL), a group of passionate volunteers initiated a proposal of NIEGSC and drafted its constitution in late 2018. With the approval of NTU Student Affairs Office and the endorsement of all NIE graduate students, the club was officially formalized in Feb 2019.
The Constitution
To foster a cohesive, conducive, and vibrant environment by championing students' rights and organising meaningful as well as engaging activities targeted at graduate students
A conducive, cohesive and vibrant community for all graduate students
To serve with pride and passion
By students for students
Join us as a volunteer!
Any enquiry or feedback? Please contact us at grad.student.club@nie.edu.sg
The Management Committee
![]() Koh Wei Xun | President First-year PhD (Education), Psychology and Child & Human Development (PCHD) Wei Xun is a full-time PhD student from the PCHD academic group under the NTU-RSS scholarship. He was a former research staff with NIE and has worked previously at the Office of Graduate Studies & Professional Learning (GPL) as well as the Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice (CRPP). Wei Xun is passionate about lifelong learning and how to motivate our students to continue learning widely and deeply throughout their life course. In this coming year, as President of NIEGSC, he aims to foster a collective culture within NIE with a focus on community building and establishing collaborative networks. He envisions molding a postgraduate culture centered on creating conversations to facilitate the positive shaping of education. For any enquiries or feedback about NIEGSC, please contact Wei Xun at niegsc-president@e.ntu.edu.sg. |
![]() Shi Liwen | General Secretary First-year Master of Education (Teaching Chinese as an International Language), Asian Languages and Cultures (ALC) Liwen is a full-time master student in Teaching Chinese as an International Language. As the General Secretary, she ensures effective communication and seamless operations within the club. She takes charge of all records and correspondence, convene Management Committee and General Meetings, and keep accurate minutes of each gathering to maintain transparency and accountability within NIEGSC. She is dedicated to serving the club with utmost commitment and efficiency. For any general enquiries about NIEGSC, please contact Liwen at niegsc-secretary@e.ntu.edu.sg. |
![]() Jia Yichen | Vice President (Academic) First year PhD (Education), English Language and Literature (ELL) Yichen is a full-time PhD student from the ELL academic group, specializing in the study of applied linguistics. Her primary research focuses on interpreting student assessment and competence. In the upcoming academic year, Yichen envisions fostering an environment where all NIE graduate students can engage in enriching discussions, share their unique insights, and learn about various research areas. She aims to cultivate an inclusive academic space that embraces diverse perspectives and encourages innovative thinking across disciplines. For any academic-related collaborations, please contact Yichen at niegsc-vpacademic@e.ntu.edu.sg. |
![]() Su Guo | Academic Director Second-year PhD (Education), Learning Sciences and Assessment (LSA) Su Guo is a full-time PhD student from the LSA academic group. Her research interests include learning analytics and designing effective interdisciplinary collaborative learning in higher education contexts. As the Academic Director, she aims to enact and coordinate academic events that enable NIE students to gain knowledge, skills, and experience. Through these events, she hopes that students will have the opportunity to interact and learn from each other. She is confident that she will be able to create a vibrant academic community within NIEGSC and enrich the learning careers of NIE graduate students. For any enquiries or suggestions about academic-related issues or activities, please contact Su Guo at niegsc-academicdir@e.ntu.edu.sg. |
![]() Sun Yuzhu | Vice President (Welfare) Second-year PhD (Art Education), Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) Yuzhu is a full-time PhD student from the VPA academic group. Her research interest is in exploring the use of immersive technology to create effective learning environments for students in museum and gallery education. As the Vice-President (Welfare), she is responsible for overseeing welfare and recreational events that contribute to improving the well-being of NIE graduate students. This includes events that focus on forming connections and helping students to develop a sense-of-belonging within the NIE graduate student community. Her aim for NIEGSC is to promote a vibrant student life for graduate students at NIE. For any collaborations related to recreational or welfare, please contact Yuzhu at niegsc-vpwelfare@e.ntu.edu.sg. |
![]() Chen Kexin | Recreation Director Second-year PhD (Education), Mathematics & Mathematics Education (MME) Kexin is a second-year PhD student from the MME academic group. Her research interest is in the use of dynamic geometry software in classroom enactment. As Recreation Director, she pledges to create an exciting and inclusive student life for NIE's graduate students. This includes planning for both offline events and online workshops to provide ample opportunities for students to come together and have fun. Her vision for NIEGSC is to foster a warm and welcoming community where every graduate student feels valued and connected. For enquiries or suggestions about recreation or welfare-related issues or activities, please contact Kexin at niegsc-recreationdir@e.ntu.edu.sg. |
![]() Luo Shuqi | Publicity Director First-year Master of Education, Educational Assessment Shuqi is a full-time master student, specializing in the study of Educational Assessment. In the upcoming year, Shuqi is responsible for ensuring effective communication and publicity of the club through press releases, posters, and ongoing social media posts. She sees the goal of her work as playing an active role in the continuous improvement of NIEGSC and contributing to building a more connected NIE community. She also strives to keep NIEGSC members up to date with the current learning scene at NIE through various modes of engagement with the student community. For enquiries or suggestions about publicity issues, please contact Shuqi at niegsc-publicitydir@e.ntu.edu.sg. |
![]() Huang Yanyan | Treasurer Second-year EdD, English Language and Literature (ELL) Yanyan is a full-time EdD student from the ELL academic group. As Treasurer of NIEGSC, she promises to manage and document all financial transactions meticulously and oversee purchasing activities for NIEGSC events. Her patient and detail-oriented nature serves her in good stead for this role. Yanyan will also extend her support for NIEGSC events and play an active supportive role in bringing them to fruition. Her central objective is to foster greater student engagement in NIEGSC programs and elevate the overall quality of graduate student life at NIE. For any finance-related enquiries about NIEGSC, please contact Yanyan at niegsc-treasurer@e.ntu.edu.sg. |